
Herbs & Tinctures for Fighting COVID-19

Although I am not a doctor and do not share any of  this material as medical advice, I am a lover of healing plants, sharing hope and  TRUTH. Although plants and nutrition played a large role in my own healing journey from late stage Lyme disease (MSDS), I am on a NEW journey discovering this natural arsenal available to us as we GROW THROUGH this coved-19 pandemic TOGETHER.

I composed this blog in the form of lists, so you can have a quick diving board of information to jump into just as an overview of MANY great options!

Immune system tinctures:

Cellular protection and cytokine interruption tincture formulation: 4 oz, cordyceps, Dong Quai, rhodiola, astragalus. Dosage: 1 t 3 times a day, but 6 times a day if there is an active infection

Core Tincture: Baikal Skullcap, Japanese knotweed root, kudzu, licorice, elderberry. Dosage: 1 t 3 times a day, BUT 6 times a day if active infection

Cellular Protection Tincture: Cytokine interruption, spleen/lymph support tincture formula. Dan Shen (Stephen Buhner) OR Chaparral, red cinnamon. dosage: 1 t 3 times a day, BUT 6 times a day if active infection

Viral Immunity herbs: 

Warning – Please don’t approach these willy nilly. Use the experience of an herbalist or do your own research. Im happy to help with any advice with herbs that I have experience with, or refer you to a knowledgeable professional. 

Host Defense medicinal mushrooms

Cats Claw, Chinese skullcap, cinnamon, Echinacea, Grindelia, lemon balm, Usnea, Osha, Calamus, Poke, Lamatium

Elderberry Syrup

There are no supplements that will undo the damage of a weak diet. I have years of experience guiding clients into increased nutritional vitality. A well nourished body is a FERICE FORCE to any invading bacterial or viral attacks. 

Nutritional Supplements:

Zinc picolinate – 25,000 IU 7 days a week, with 8 weeks in-between each week of use

Vitamin A

Selenium 400-800 mcg daily with food, 

Vitamin D -5,000 – 10,000 IU

High quality fermented fish oil (I like Nordic Naturals brand) – 1 teaspoon with food daily

Vitamin C natural WHOLE food source


Sepsis is a significant concern with covid-19 so I wanted to include some options for combatting Sepsis.

Sepsis Defense:




Probiotic Bacillus Sp strain LBP32

Boswellia (Frankincense)

Lamatium Dissectum


More to come…..